Home Educational Trends It’s Time to Speak Up!

It’s Time to Speak Up!

by Jennifer Bergland
  • Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, smartphones, tablets, mobile apps, online classes, and games – Do these digital tools or others like them really have a place within our classrooms today?
  • Are students more engaged in learning when instruction includes these tools?
  • Can technology increase teacher productivity or student achievement?
  • Do technology tools support the development of critical thinking, communications, teamwork, and global awareness?
  • What do parents think about the use of technology for learning?

These are great questions that districts need to consider when thinking about how technology should be used to support a student’s instructional goals. Fortunately, districts don’t have to reinvent the wheel and create and manage a survey that will gather this valuable information. Project Tomorrow’s Speak Up Survey will provide districts with the answers to all of these questions and more. It is designed to gather data from students, teachers, administrators, parents, and community members. Participating districts will receive localized reports with all of their data findings to use for planning, budgets, and purchasing decisions. The best part is that it is easy to administer and it’s free!

This data would be very useful in the evaluation of a district’s performance in providing a strong digital learning environment, which is required in House Bill 5 (passed in 2013). All the information your district needs to participate in the Speak Up Survey can be found on their website. The survey is currently open and will remain open until December 18. If you have any questions, contact Jenny Hostert at (949) 609-4660, ext 17 or email her at jhostert@tomorrow.org.

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